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Leg Pain: Signs, Symptoms and Remedies

  • Running or exercise aren’t the only causes of leg pain. Leg pain can come from a bump on a table, or even a nap in a funny position.
  • You don’t have to endure it, though! Find out how you can reduce leg pain, and maybe even prevent it.
What to do:
  • Rest - Ideally with your feet up.

  • Ice the pain – Use an ice pack, wrap it in a towel and apply to the affected area for around 20 minutes every few hours.

  • Compress - Give your injury extra support by compressing the affected area with a bandage.

  • Elevate – Keep your leg elevated above hip level to drain off fluids that cause swelling.

  • Ibuprofen – Consider taking a pain-reliever to help ease pain and reduce swelling.

What to avoid:
  • Sometimes an accident is all it takes, but there are a few things you can do to avoid dealing with leg pain:

  • Exercising without warming up or cooling down.

  • Exercising when tired.

  • Dehydration.

  • Accidents caused by clutter.

Frequent causes

Once you experience leg pain, try to think what caused it. That might help your doctor diagnose and treat it if the pain is too severe. Here are a few frequent causes of leg pain:

  • Overuse of a muscle.
  • Any kind of physical activity you’re not used to.
  • Accidents.
  • An injury (strains and sprains).
  • Muscle tension.

Why Ibuprofen can help

Ibuprofen can reduce inflammation, which helps your muscles heal. Nurofen gets through skin barriers to tackle pain, with targeted relief on the area of application.

Nurofen Joint & Muscular Pain Relief 200mg Medicated Plaster can help

This 200mg medicated plaster has been proven to provide relief over 24 hours with a single plaster, and also available in a gel.

Different types of leg pain

A strain

This occurs when a muscle, tendon, or ligament has been overstretched or overused.

A sprain

This occurs when the muscle, tendon, or ligament is stretched even more severely – resulting in intense pain.

Knee pain

This pain varies, being dull in some cases and sharp in others. This is often caused by swelling under the knee when running, which is why this condition is also known as runner’s knee.

Achilles pain

This pain, often worse the morning after you’ve felt it first, occurs due to wear and tear of the Achilles tendon, and might lead to swelling at the back of your ankle or heel.

Shin pain

This is often described as a dull pain in the shin, and also known as shin splints. In some cases, the pain can be sudden and sharp, leading you to stop running completely. Ignoring shin pain and continuing exercise often further damages your shins.

Heel pain

This pain is normally sharp, occurring when you put weight on the heel. This is due to pain or swelling in the heel or bottom of the foot if you exercise more intensely than usual.